Uluru is located in Australia and it's formation took place over 500 million years ago.It is composed of sedimenatry rocks called arkose.Rapid erosion of the mountains made materials that were deposited under the sea which formed uluru.Uluru is made up of very weldege rock.The top is flat and sides are grooved due to the process of weatheration.The red colour is due to the rusting of iron.The rock reacts with water and oxygen.
The first one is wrong because they were still in disarray and revolution at the time being. They couldn't quite do this at the time due to those two problems.
you can go too the desert and dig a hole and start by going down and u will find a place out of nowhere but you need to keep on walking and digging until u see lava when u see lava there will be diamonds and more stuff i did it before i was digging and then i saw lava and then i was walking around without touching the lava and i found diamonds diamonds are hard to find but when i see lava i always find them and if you dont then its weird
Either Hawai'i or Oregon, I live in Oregon and the forests seem very tropical, but the most likely answer is Hawai'i.
1. The zone of aeration and zone of saturation are two separate zones in the soil. The zone of aeration is the top zone of the soil. In this zone the rocks and soil have pores that are only partially filled with water. The saturation zone lies below the aeration zone. This zone is composed of rocks and soil that have pores that are saturated with water.
2. The water manages to move much more easily through rocks and sediment that have larger pores. The reason for this is that the larger the pores, the more free space there is, so the water manages to flow through them without any particular problem. The rocks and sediment that have smaller pores are not allowing for the free flow of the water. The smaller the pores are the smaller the space for the water to pass through, so the water usually starts to accumulate and cause saturation.
3. The caves and the caverns have two basic differences, though it has to be mentioned that the caverns are actually a type of cave. The caves are natural openings that occur on the sides of the hills, mountains, and gorges, while the caverns only form in soluble rocks and have speleothems in them. A typical cave has only one opening, while the caverns have multiple openings, ranging anywhere from two to several tens of them.
4. The two major factors that determine how easily the water can move through rock or sediment are the size of the pores and are the pores connected or not. If the pores are larger and they are connected the water will be able to move easily through the rock and sediment. On the other hand, if the pores are connected or they are very small, the water will find it hard to move through them and saturate them.
5. The karst topography is a very interesting one. It has lot of caves, cavers, karst fields, springs etc. This topography forms because of the reaction between the bedrock and the water and carbon dioxide. The water and the carbon dioxide manage to dissolve because of the increased levels of acidity, so the rocks start to change their composition, and over longer periods of time, lot of different features start to form, creating the interesting karst topography.