"Has been waiting" should be your answer. a simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase in the sentence and it usually tells what the subject does.
i agree. The weather depens on the seasons, like it very unlikley for it to snow in summer. it also changes the agriculture, like i said before the weather depends on the seasons, so in winter the plants will get more water. i does play a role in the human mood, in cold gloomy days you are more likley to feel sad.
I would say obsessed, but if I'm wrong please forgive me as I don't really know the entire context of the story/text.
If it they are willing to take a whole hour for the narrator to put their head through an opening just to see the guy, then I would think that they are obsessed with the person.
I believe trust is a lot of things!!
trust is giving someone the keys to drive
trust is a parent letting their child go to a party
trust is confidence in a persons integrity
trust is your boss allowing you to close by yourself
these are just a few examples! I hope they help!!!!
Lolz, u seem to have really low grades.....try to study hard next time!!