They can present coherent and consistent messages to their publics with little fear of contradictiontotalitarianism is a political system in which the state recognizes no limits its authority strives regulate every aspect public private life wherever feasible propaganda totalitarian regimes. Through threats and violence, even enlightened people will compromise their values.
C: 1, 2, 3 asia minor and anatolian are referred as the same
Canada is divided into four subregions—the Atlantic, Core, and Prairie Provinces, and the Pacific Province and the Territories. Each subregion possesses unique natural resources, landforms, economic activities, and cultural life. of Canada's population is in urban areas within 100 miles of the U.S.-Canadian border.
In 1867, three colonies of British North America — Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick — were united in Confederation, with the former Province of Canada being divided into Ontario and Québec.
Quebec and Ontario are often referred to as Canada's heartland, and with good reason. Three out of five Canadians live there. Ontario is the largest province in terms of population, Quebec in land area. Most of the settlement in these inland provinces is found along the Great Lakes and the St.
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation,especially against civilians,in the pursuit of political aims
Geologically, rivers, mountains, oceans, seas, biomes.