You forgot to add a coma after the pause. <span>One Heartless Soul,another Pure.</span>
Prosaic - not fanciful or imaginative
Incongruous - lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness
Anticipation - an expectation
Laborious - characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
Erode - become ground down or deteriorate
Abattoirs - a building where animals are butchered
Prosaic - dull and bland, not creative
Incongruous - doesn't connect or bond together, opposite forces
Anticipation - the feeling of adrenaline for something
Laborious - applying energy to where your body is extremely drained
Erode - sooner or later something will fade
Abattoirs - a place where animals are killed
It is neither obvious nor unclear.
Self-evident and obvious, requiring no demonstration or explanation,
Antonym for Self-evident opposites of self-evident-It is neither obvious nor unclear.
I think the answer is: direct object