To glorify God and to help us get a visual of what happened in the bible time
Its called "Bad Girl Friend"
Not sure if you're asking for the scale itself but i'll give it to you anyway.
D Major has 2 sharps. F and C.
Scale: D , E , F# , G , A , B , C# , D
The word value is used a lot. Most people don't even know what it means. Value is used to create a focal point within a drawing or painting (art wise).The human eye is immadiately drawn to a light element against a dark element. To create the illusion of depth, gradiations of value are also used.
Value is defined as the relative lightness or darkness of a color. It is an important tool for the designer/artist, in the way that it defines form and creates spatial illusions. Contrast of value separates objects in space, while gradation of value suggests mass and contour of a contiguous surface.
~credit of info belongs to user~
An effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.
That is what the dictionary said.