take away or alter the natural qualities of.
destroy the characteristic properties of (a protein or other biological macromolecule) by heat, acidity, or other effects that disrupt its molecular conformation
the only arrow that points out of the atmosphere is D
The answer is hair follicles
Malárie je způsobena parazity Plasmodium. Paraziti se k lidem šíří kousnutím infikovaných samic komárů Anopheles, nazývaných „vektory malárie“. Existuje 5 druhů parazitů, které způsobují malárii u lidí, a 2 z těchto druhů - P. falciparum a P. vivax - představují největší hrozbu
If a zebra mussel is discovered in a lake in Pennsylvania, then the ecologist would be worried because it is an invasive species. The zebra mussel is native to Ukraine and Russia, but if it has been found in Pennsylvania, than it means that it has been introduced in this area. As an invasive species, the zebra mussel can be very dangerous for the native species in the lake. The invasive species usually are more competitive for food sources than the native species, manage to reproduce quicker, bring in diseases, and the native species tend to not have defense mechanisms for them. This leads to rapid decline or even extinction in the native species, while the invasive spreads out quickly and takes over, resulting in dramatic change in the whole ecosystem.