The translation is: At or at? 4 Complete the sentences with à, au, à la, à l ', aux or chez. 1 They go to .......... supermarket. 2 They want to go ........... swimming pool. 3 I will .......... Galeries Lafayette. 4 See you .......... Alexandra at two o'clock. 5 I'm waiting for my friends .......... station. 6 He lives in .......... Paris. 7 I pass .......... the baker. 8 His grandfather is .......... hospital. 9 The match takes place .......... municipal stadium. 10 She goes to .......... school on foot. 11 He arrives .......... college at eight o'clock. 12 We're going to the dentist. 13 This afternoon we are going to .......... stadium. 14 Are you going to ...... theater tonight?