C. A plate of squid, their backs crisscrossed with knife markings so they resembled bicycle tires.
What I would do is contact my superior and ask him/her what they would want me to . do. Whatever the superior says then I would have to obey so I don't get fired. If this happens on a daily bases at your job then I would start searching for another job. Once you have found another job that you might like then I would take that one and leave the other one. Or you could just tough it out and your superior will take notice and he/she might offer you a better position. Hopefully this helps.
First-person immediately puts the reader inside the narrator's head, which allows for an intimate portrayal of thoughts and emotions. You can effectively communicate how each moment feels—delivering sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—through the prism of your narrator.
The answer is B) the war begins
There wasn't too much of a reaction in the crowd, as to them he was just another dead African-American person. Read chapter 25 over to possibly understand better.