Maya hohokam anasazi are all ancient civilizations
He was the first Babylonian king to rule Egypt, and controlled an empire that extended to Lydia, but his best-known accomplishment was his palace a place used for administrative, religious, ceremonial, as well as residential purposes especially the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
The soviets wanted to expand their areas of control in eastern Europe
After WWII Germany was divided into occupation zones, the US, Great Britain, Soviet Union, and France had zones to occupy.
The Soviet Union occupied most of eastern Germany while the Allies occupied Western Germany. Berlin was divided into four zones of occupations.
The US believed that the only way to Germany to recover was to unify it, the Soviets did not agree with it and on June 24 the Soviets blocked the roads and railroad lines into West Berlin. The Soviets removed the zones and removed the four-power Berlin administration.
The answer is intracloud lightning. Lightning can occur between clouds
and ground, which may be downward (the lightning is originated in the
cloud and goes to the ground) or upward (the lightning originates in the
ground and goes to the cloud). As the question tells the lightning can
occur inside a cloud, that is why they are called intraclouding lightning
(intra means inside). Also lightning can occur between clouds and air.