1. Avez-vous un papier sur votre bureau?
2. Où est le drapeau?
1. Oui
2. Là-bas
<span>-Bonjour, vous désirez?
-Je voudrais un kilo de riz, une boîte de sauce tomate et une demie-douzaine d'oeufs.
-Voila! c'est tout ?
-Heu...non...Vous avez des glaces?
-Non, je suis désolé! En hiver, nous ne vendons pas de glaces!
-Bonjour Mme Portal.
-Bonjour Mmm, ça sent bon!!!
-Vous voulez des croissants, aujourd'hui?
-Oui, 3 croissants, un pain de campagne et une _______brioches.
-Ce n'est________! je vais__________ 5 petit pais au___________.
Guadeloupe, Mauritius, and Tahiti are islands that were colonized by the French. And while Mauritius language is now English, most people speak creole French (>80%).
They all fell under the Imperialism of Frances expansions to have access to the trade routes in the Far East and the Americas.
Here is your translation: Lose weight, choose, succeed, gain weight, reflect, obey, finish. One verb will be used twice. 4 At dinner Maryse and Laëtitia are at a restaurant. Complete their conversation with the appropriate form of a regular -ir verb. MARYSE So when are you and Martine going (1) __ your new roommate? LAËTITIA I don't know. We do (2) __, not to speak of the three candidates. I / J '(3) __ again, They are all very good. MARYSE You (4) __, at your instinct. Ah, the waitress is coming. What are you (5) __ for lunch? LAËTITIA I / '(6) __, to look at the card. Everything is high in calories in this restaurant! MARYSE I'm going to have a sandwich with a soda. I don't / (7) __ because I go to the gym a lot. LAËTITIA You're lucky! I don't / don't (8) __. And yet (yet), I eat light every day! MARYSE Tomorrow, you come to the gym with me.