He won't mind if you are staring at him.
The verb in the sentence is <em>stare</em>. So, the word becomes <em>stare</em> - e + ing = star + ing = staring. But you cannot just leave the verb there; you need to add "are" in front of "staring" to make the sentence more coherent.
Hope this helps!
B. “The Yukon lay a mile wide and hidden under three feet of ice.”
C. “On top of this ice were as many feet of snow.”
D. “It was all pure white, rolling in gentle undulations.”
E. “save for a dark hairline that curved and twisted from around the spruce-covered island to the south”
Authors often vary the types of phrases and clauses they use in order to add interest to their writing
The supernatural elements that can be found in the short story of "The Black Cat" are:
- The name of the cat 'Pluto' which in Greek mythology is concerned with the god of the underworld and in Latin, the god of the dead.
- The 'Black' color of the cat which is usually connected with witchcraft.
The Black Cat is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe has added some element of supernatural in the story related to the 'Black Cat'.
- The first element of supernatural force that can be found in the story is the <u>'Black' color of the cat,</u> which the narrator's wife connected with witchcraft. Superstitiously people connect 'Black' color with evil and witchcraft. Poe has used this element in his story.
- The second element that Poe has used in this story is the <u>name given to the cat, 'Pluto'.</u> In Greek mythology, Pluto is the god of the underworld and in Latin mythology, the god of the dead is named Pluto.
The fate of the narrator was the result of his behavior and alcoholism. The foreshadowing of his fate can be found in the incident when he cut the eyes of the Pluto in his drunken state and then he hanged Pluto.
This <u>horror could have been avoided</u> if only the narrator would have realized the evil which has entered his heart through alcohol. Because the crimes which he has committed were in his drunken state. This evil overpowered him.