1st Blank - John Calvin
2nd Blank - Switzerland
3rd Blank - A belief in predestination
4th Blank - theocracy
Calvinism was created during the sixteenth century in France, by the religious of French origin John Calvin, based on the teachings of Ulrich Zwingli.
Juan Calvino published an edition of De Clementia treaty and is also thought that he was the author of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland.
The main beliefs of Calvinism include the belief in the absolute sovereignty of God and the doctrine of justification only through faith. It teaches us that salvation can be obtained by grace and not by good works, and for this, it is necessary to believe or trust in Jesus and see Christ as the only and sufficient Savior.
A states' rights are rights that the state has that the Federal Government should not infringe upon.
For example, every state has a right to make its own laws. The Federal Government cannot force that state to not make a law it doesn't like unless the law violates Federal law.
<em>I am new to this, so if this answer is not helpful, please let me know! Thanks! </em>
it was the most powerful nation in europe due to the immense
wealth derived from presence in ameicas
Today women have the right to vote. Back then women were not allowed to vote.
Due to the horrible conditions on the Magellan, the passangers on the ship died a horrific death. The ones that did not resort to eating wood starved; the poor passengers caught dieseses that were carried and transferred by rats and feces. The awful conditions on the Magellan makes you ponder if the ship was worth the sacrifice many innocent people on board the Magellan made.