The Mongols. (Genghis Khan, so on, so on.)
When the Mongol Empire was per se at its peak, the Mongols had controlled much of Eastern Europe and the majority of mainland Asia. This meant they controlled The Silk Road, the many trade routes between Europe and China.
The term is "witch hunt." Senator Joseph McCarthy launched a witch hunt against suspected Communists in the 1950s.
The influence of Christianity in Latin America transformed the social, political, economic and religious ways of societies in the period of 1500-1800.
The evangelist from Europe did an extensive and an important labor of changing the Indians minds and beliefs. The Indians tribes along South America had strong ties to Mother Nature and everything it represented. <u>The Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Incas</u> based their religions in many deities or many Gods that were represented by celestial stars, animals or the kingdom of nature. Some tribes like the Aztecs and Mayans did human sacrifices to honor their Gods.
European evangelist began to change those practices and introduced or forces in some places, the ideals of Chrstianity. First evangelists like Bartolomeo Diaz del Castillo, encountered heavy resistant from the Indians that rejected such a strong change in their lives. What evangelist did was to establish their teachings centers and then, built the churches in the same exact places where the Indians used to have their ceremonial centers.
From then on, Catholicism was a big part of the New Spanish societies across America. Traditions, culture and school, were heavy influenced by Christianity in all aspects of life.