Direct object is the thing being acted upon. In this case, meal is the direct object of the "cooked" verb.
Aesop used animals instead of humans and gave them human traits to teach the reader the moral of his fables in a non threatening way and to keep them interested without feeling like it relates to themselves. :)
Myths are stories that are written by unknown authors. The purpose of these stories is often to explain complex concepts before science or proof could explain them. They are also used to teach people morals. Myths may often be religious or attempt to explain how the world came to be.
Susan wanted to __rest__ before she __set__ the table for dinner.
Get the locksmith to come and put bolts on the doors.
Les Misérables is a novel written by Victor Hugo in the 19th century. The novel speaks about various topics, the history of France, the design of Paris, morals, religion, and love.