After the American Revolution, rich white men wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, but there are several groups in America who were not granted equal rights to this. Groups of people who were not white, rich, women, Jews, Moslems, African-Americans, Native Americans, and poor white men were not considered "equal" in America in the year 1776.
Typically they will all earn same amount of income (money) no matter what job they are working in. Communism also usually has 1 leader or ruler.
Various names have been applied what is known as the Vietnam War. These have shifted over time, although Vietnam War is the most commonly used title in English. It has been variously called the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict, the Vietnam War, and Nam. In Vietnam it is commonly known as Kháng chiến chống Mỹ (Resistance War against America).
Robert Fulton was an amazingly inventive person who has been credited for inventing many devices, although perhaps his most famous invention was the steamship.