The plant belongs to the group Angiosperm. Vascular plants with seeds could be cycads, Gingko, conifers, or angiosperms. Among those groups, only angiosperms have flowers.
The plant they found have colored, scented flowers which suggests that it could be pollinated by insects or birds. Colored flowers attract birds and insects. Color serves as a guiding mark. Talking of scent, it does not attract bird, but attracts insects. It also serves as the guiding mark.
Answer:Stars are formed in clouds of gas and dust, known as nebulae. Nuclear reactions at the centre (or core) of stars provides enough energy to make them shine brightly for many years. The exact lifetime of a star depends very much on its size.
Plant Growth increases in the spring
Not many organisms are able to live there. It would’ve extremely hard for an organism who is used to moderate temperature to inhabit an extremely cold habitat known for the extreme temperatures
Hope this helps
6 in total; 3 viable and 3 non-viable
Robertsonian translocation is one of the types of structural alteration in chromosomes, in other words, a rearrangement between chromosomes, which can occur between five pairs of acrocentric chromosomes (chromosomes with the centromere close to the end of one of the "arms"): 13, 14, 15, 21 and 22.
An individual who has Robertson's translocation between chromosomes 14 and 21 generally has only 45 chromosomes.
In addition, a carrier of this type of translocation can theoretically produce 6 types of gametes, however 3 of them are not viable.
As for the three remaining gametes: One is normal, and among the other two, one is balanced and the last is unbalanced.
So, theoretically, when combining a normal gamete, the probability of a child with down syndrome being born through these conditions is 1/3 (considering that the probability of producing a certain type of gamete is equal for the three types).