Enfermedad que se desarrolla lentamente, pudiendo durar mucho tiempo o incluso el resto de la vida de una persona. Un ejemplo es la artritis.
Tipo de glóbulo blanco o leucocito que fabrica unas sustancias llamadas anticuerpos, muy importantes en nuestras defensas.
Enfermedades que llevan a la muerte
Las diez enfermedades más misteriosas
La causa del alzhéimer todavía es desconocida. Las investigaciones suelen asociar la enfermedad con la aparición de placas seniles y ovillos neurofibrilares. ...
Resfriado común.
Gripe aviar.
Enfermedades autoinmunes.
The answer is A
When water molecules are heated, they exchange freely with the air in a process called evaporation. Ocean water is constantly evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms that are then carried by trade winds.
I believe the correct answer is chromosome.
We inherit 23 chromosomes from our mother and another 23 chromosome pairs from our father. You have to inherit a defective chromosome for you to get the mutation. This is what is called germ line mutation usually carried in the sperm or ovum. Of the 23 chromosomes, 22 are autosomal and 1 is chromosomal meaning of the 23 one of them is X and another one is . You get the Y from your father and the X from your mother.
Traits are determined by genes
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