Since then, both August 14 and August 15 have been known as “Victoryover Japan Day,” or simply “V-J Day.” The term has also been used for September 2, 1945, when Japan's formal surrender took place aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay.
Ans: Public trials allow the general public to see that the justice system is functioning properly and treating defendants fairly. Holding the criminal justice system accountable. The presence of interested spectators is thought to keep the judge, jury, and courtroom staff mindful of their responsibilities and actions.
In 1836, the new Texas Constitution was written during the war for independence which had a separation of governmental powers, a bill of rights, a bicameral legislature. This had many adopted aspects from the Spanish and Mexican laws. In 1845, was modeled after other southern states and therefore referred to as the Statehood Constitution (Newell, 44). It embraced democratic principles and was influenced by Jacksonian democracy. In 1861, the Constitution was modified when Texas joined the Confederate States of America, this was called The Civil War Constitution. This is when Texas seceded to join the confederacy. In 1866, was on the losing side of the war and Texas was ordered by Andrew Jackson to revise the document. This new document abolished slavery and declared secession illegal. In 1869, reconstruction of the Constitution happened yet again because radical reconstructionists in Washington wanted southern states to write new constitutions with tougher standards.
that the world was flat not round
The middle colonies were New Netherlands/New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. The most populous was Pennsylvania settled during the 17th century. Settlers usually organized themselves in small farms spread throughout the colony with a few cities. <em>The Middle colonies had two major ports who were the main economic outposts, New York City and Philadelphia.</em>