b. they considered themselves subjects of the British crown.
mutual defense alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Europe made mutual defense agreements that pulled them into battle and the following alliances were: Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, France and Russia, Britain France and Belgium, Japan and Britain. Should one defense alliance declare war on another (ex: Austria-Hungary and Serbia) that would automatically bring Russia into it. Imperialism is when a country increases their power by bringing in territories under their control. The increase in militarism pushed countries involved in the war. Nationalism throughout various countries in Europe contributed to the extension of the war in Europe. In June of 1914, a terrorist group known as the Black Hand assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This was protest to Austria-Hungary having control over Serbia. This assassination lead to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
The trend towards densely populated urban centers begun in 1800's continued into the 1900's. Man's development of urban centers was a major step away from what seemed to be nature's way of living: on farms and sparsely placed homesteads. Industrial production required hundreds of thousands of workers and, especially in the second industrial revolution, scientists. The urban centers that emerged during this period, such as Paris, London, and Berlin, were quickly changing the ratios of population from rural to urban Berlin's population, for example, went from 66% rural in 1871 to almost 66% urban before the first World War (see "The Second Industrial Revolution").
The theory of Social Darwinism advocates that the most suited race will win and natural selection will play out. It was used to promote the white european race and to justify the holocaust and other horrors of the past. Since there were facists governments on the rise at that time, they classified the white european race as "civilized" and the other races as "uncivilized" and inferior to them.
The period of 600-1450 saw a large increase in volume of long distance trade.
Overland trade included luxury goods, such as silk and precious stones, while sea lanes carried larger, bulkier goods such as steel, stone, coral and building materials.