Nick learns from Jordan Baker the details of Tom's behavior in Santa Barbara after his and Daisy's honeymoon. She tells Nick that Tom was involved in a car accident that made the newspapers. He was with another woman, a maid at the Santa Barbara Hotel. Her arm was broken. This shows Tom's infidelity began early in his marriage and continued. Daisy was aware of it (everyone who read the newspaper was aware of it), but she remained in her marriage and gave birth to their daughter several months later.
A vocabulary journal represents your own collection of all the key words that you come across during your studying.
The information you should provide for each entry depends on the instructions your teacher gives you. However, here are some of the most important elements you should include in your own journal:
- the word
- meaning of the word
- context (example of a sentence in which that particular word is used)
- picture that will remind you of the word meaning (if you are a visual learner)
Have bowled
The past participle for the verb bowl, is bowled, and in this it says "have bowled" cause you have already dont it.
At the mercy of god because that is what their naturalistic views were