C. particular and attentive to details and good behaviorIn the book Nights and dragons by Abigail Prynne, The author opens the story saying that dragons have always fascinated her, that the tales of the proud flying lizards and breathing fire exited her. In the library in books, in movies and museums they resided. Though by the time she was thirteen she started to think more about Dragons,where they real? or where they just another myth. When she started her research she found that many scientist laughed at the idea of dragons. They also showed evidence that dragons could not exist, No bones or fossil records and that no animal on earth breathes fire. Down hearted the author almost gave up on her quest. Then she remembered the words of her grandmother and decided to keep looking and not give up. After reading more about dragons she noticed that across the world even though the had no way of communicating, that cultures from all around the world described dragons in similar ways. Dragons Are also mentioned in the documents like marco plos journal and chinese calendars along with eleven real animals. This sparked the possibility that maybe dragons were real. As she looked deeper she found that some experts believe that dragons had four stomachs like a cow. If its stomach gases were like birds it might be able to lift itself off the ground. Also when it forced out air when diving toward the earth this might result in flames, they also say that the strong stomach acids could have relese strong stomach acid over time and this dissolved its dead body. She concludes the book by saying that she will never know is dragons are real or not, but the two sides of the story tell a great debate. That also dragons will always be in her imagination and heart.
Tone simply refers to how the author feels towards the subject, or towards something. You will know what the author's tone is implying by the words he uses. While 'mood', refers to the feeling of the atmosphere the author is describing. It is what the author makes you feel when you read ther writings.
A perfect class room pet would be a gerbil because it is easy to take care of. It is also very small so it won’t take up a lot of space. Another reason would be that a gerbils cage is very easy to clean out.