I 1lt is so hot now<span> that </span>Abuelo has decided we should do<span> l </span>our exercise walks after dinner<span>, when </span>it's almost nightfall. ZEvery day this week, though, it has rained<span> ...</span>
explain you after some time this was super ?
but you have give a 100 point me explain very very good all of subject
2 is shikari playing the guitar in this picture?
no, she is playing singing and playing guitar
3 is Lionel Messi playing basketball?
no, he is playing soccer
4 is George Clooney talk on the phone ?
no he is acting.
5. is Maria Sharapova having coffee in this picture?
no, she is playing tennis.
Some sounds are in contrastive distribution and others in complementary distribution.
The sounds [k] and [x] are contrastive,
[kano] 'do'
[xano] 'lose'
The sounds [ç] and [c] are contrastive,
[çino] 'pour'
[cino] 'move'
The sounds [k] and [c] are in complementary distribution. The palatal stop appears before front vowels, whereas the velar stop appears elsewhere. The sounds [ç] and [x] are in complementary distribution, like the stops, palatal before front vowels, but otherwise velar.