Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.Reading poetry well is part attitude and part technique. Curiosity is a useful attitude, especially when it’s free of preconceived ideas about what poetry is or should be. Effective technique directs your curiosity into asking questions, drawing you into a conversation with the poem.
The statement is rewritten with the answer as follows: "This is an excerpt from <em>Never Let Me Go</em> a 2005 dystopian science fiction novel by British author Kazuo Ishiguro".
The book, Never let me go, was written by the British actor Kazuo ISHIGURO and the excerpt was found in Chapter 7 of the book. The novel is characterized by the narrator's disappointments, excitements, anxieties and moments of happiness as she grows older.
Mr. Enfield I don't remember if he was a cop or not
The noun the underlined participle modifies is:
b. aspects.
In the sentence we are analyzing here, there is a present participle, "troubling". A present participle is formed by adding -ing to a verb stem (interesting, caring, loving, etc.). Present and past participles can function as adjectives, modifying nouns or pronouns in a sentence. That is precisely the case here, where "troubling" is modifying the noun "aspects", attributing a quality to it. For that reason, we can choose letter B as the best option.