To find a common denominator, multiply each part of a fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. For example, to find a common denominator for 1/3 + 2/5, multiply the 1 and 3 by 5 and multiply the 2 and 5 by 3. You should get 5/15 + 6/15. Then you can calculate the fractions.
An exponent is a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression.
For example, 2^3 (you will see this ususally with like 2 and the 3 will be smaller next to the 2). What this means is 2x2x2 which equals 8.
If a baby pulls their legs in toward their chest, it is a sign of abdominal or stomach pain. Something to do with the stomach.
Мальчик был напористым. ...
Ей было холодно. ...
Это было слишком тяжело. ...
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ive No. 8 aluminum conductors with THHN insulation are to be routed through a conduit found in a boiler room with an ambient temperature of 75°C. The ampacity of each conductor is
according to codes and standard the ampacity Five No. 8 aluminum conductors with THHN insulation at 75°C is 14.8A. see table electrical code book table 35