Starting with the expansion of the European adventure in the Indian Oceans, European companies initiated to build trading post-empire and their first target were islands and coastal region along the India coastline. Later they expanded territorial control to the interior of the Indian subcontinent.
The case of Africa was different because European were not prone to the regional diseases and they focused on trading posts instead of expanding their empire into the interior of Africa.
The Native American were worst hit by the contact of Europeans who aimed territorial expansion and brought with them diseases which adversely affected the population of Native Indians.
it was difficult to govern all the people.
it was difficult to get news to all parts of the empire
it was difficult to defend all of the parts of the empire from attack.
Mecca. Mecca is considered the holiest city in Islam, as it is home to the Kaaba ('Cube') and Al-Masjid Al-Ḥarām (The Sacred Mosque). Only Muslims are allowed to enter this place
George Washington was the father of the USA. He fought for the independence of our country. He made a army out of simple farmers and with the power of his strategy they won the greatest army at the time, the British