About 35 years. Genghis Khan created the Mongol empire in 1206. By the 1230s Batu Khan invaded Russian and Bulgarian lands. In 1241 at the battle of Mohi Batu Khan defeater a combined German, Polish and Hungarian army. Further expansion ceased do to the death of Ogedei Khan. Batu Khans attention was turned to succession instead of invading Western Europe.
Certain laws made it hard for immigrants to do many things. They were discriminated in many ways as well. People made it to where immigrants couldn’t live, eat, play, go to work and school in the same place as others. They did all of this because of the way someone looked, or if they could speak english or not.
Roosevelt authorized the dam project with National Industrial Recovery act money. (It was later specifically authorized by the Rivers and Harbors act of 1935, and then reauthorized by the Columbia Basin Project act of 1943 which put it under the Reclamation Project act of 1939.)