C) verbs and adverb phrases
here :)
(not sure if this will help but here bruh)
Best friends are so much more than a description in a singular paragraph. They are so much more than what we can put into words. Best friends can be stuffed animals, people, or for the few of us that are antisocial: pets. They can be soulmates, parents, or inanimate objects. No matter <em>what</em> they are, they help us get through hard places in our lives where we feel stuck or upset. For that we sincerely thank all the best friends out there. Cuddly pets or not.
Explanation: On January 17, in the year 1893, the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi was illegally overthrown. ... 12, 1898, Hawaiʻi became a Territory of the United States by annexation, at a formal noontime ceremony held in front of ʻIolani Palace. My mother and father and most Hawaiians stayed away from that heart-breaking ceremony
It’s okay , not that great . it’s a struggle but we going to get thru it