They deserve rights even though one of the men have a disablity. Watch the movie. Its better and you get a better understanding.
Source: The
"Mr Carr asks him how long he has been stealing from the store, and Alfred says he's never done it before."
I'm guessing it is true then?
Hey, the answer is A.
Explanation : It’s important to know what you will be learning in the beginning of a lesson
Key words
If it's first person, you'll see I, Me, my, mine, ours,us and we
If it's second person, you'll see you, your, and yours.
If it's 3rd person, you'll see he, she, it, they, him, her, them, his, her, hers, its, their, and theirs.
Here's an example: Nearly every characteristic presented in the play has an opposite: Helena is tall, Hermia is short; Puck plays pranks, Bottom is the victim of pranks; Titania is beautiful, Bottom is grotesque. I hope this helps.