There many rules John Smith instituted in Jamestown, but the most common one was, "He would does not work, shall not eat".
Providing personal customer service
Rudy provides his customers with very personalized service. His business model functions well because he has a sizeable amount of followers on his website. Rudy personally interacts with his customers, lets them knows his location and the menu for the day, and thanks them for their support. Since Rudy owns a food truck, he can move to different locations. By providing personalized customer service, Rudy is encouraging his followers to find where the food truck is located that day. This way, he gets the traffic of where the food truck is located that day, but he also has people that specifically go to that area for his food truck.
Despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine and the creation of an independent Jewish state. The modern conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine dates back to the 1910s, when both groups laid claim to the British-controlled territory.
I woulds make a fbook Couldnt say the word for brainly reasons group or a dcord about saving the planet one step at a time and invite loyal people that i trust to help me and if i see some trash somewhere pick it up and throw it away and leftovers i would microwave and go and feed the homeless people in the world who cannot afford the mfood money so they would have a full stomach because lets be honest who really eats left overs NOBODY they just sit in the fridge for a week until you see them and throw them out make a good use for it and feed people in need of the food!
An external locus of control or lack of focus or test anxiety