introduce her son to multiple stimuli.
Lucy wants her son, Kyle, to have the best environment to help him reach his full potential. According to those who study early experiences and the brain, Lucy should introduce her son to multiple stimuli.
This would allow her son to get acquainted with a variety of environmental stimuli which would in turn increase his understanding and adaptation to different forms of nature and its treats. He can reach his full potential only when he is familiar of most of the things that exist.
Switzerland, Austria, and Andorra
(This is my opinion but it’s an answer) I think water should be free. All people, plants, and animals need water to live and no one should die because they can’t have water, we are just too advanced for that. But with that being said, teaching people the importance of keeping water clean is important too. It should be mandatory for everyone to learn how to keep water clean, and ways to conserve water usage as well. Mother nature gave us water and no one has a right to deprive and capitalize off it. That is evil, greedy and inhuman. Keeping oceans, lakes, and streams is also important, and oil companies are not only destroying the atmosphere while being burned, but destroying the biosphere as well and if we don’t stop some the effects are detrimental and not reversible.
Answer: Information, communication and technology helps sustain people living together in a nation
The Nation is the people, her culture, her economy, her language, her pattern of government and everything that connects those particular living in the same place. The people cannot be seperated from the nation because it's the people that constitutes of a Nation.
Communication, information and technology has a big role to play in the society today. Fortunately, the world is moving at a fast pace and everything is evolving, better and easier means of communication are available. Communication keeps the people informed and give them an understanding, information is that data of knowledge that is being communicated and technology is the means by which it's communicated.
<em>"Historically, it has been proven that the wright brothers spent all their money on building and testing their airplane. Although it was a genius idea, their attempt wasn't very successful. The Wright Brothers then lost all their wealth, and could not afford to buy paint..."</em>
Quoted from "Hogwash History"