15. A___________ __________ Fee is a charge that a credit card issuer charges a customer for accessing the cash credit line on h
is or her account, either through an ATM, convenience check or at a bank's teller window. A _______________ ______________Fee is when you pay off the balances on existing cards or loans by transferring them to another credit card account .
cash advance fee: a charge that a credit card issuer charges a customer for accessing the cash credit line on his or her account, either through an ATM, convenience check or at a bank's teller window.
Balance transfer fee: when you pay off the balances on existing cards or loans by transferring them to another credit card account .
His speech was given on August 28, 1963, on it was given at Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC & Martin Luther King Jr Day also known as civil rights day, commemorates the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr.