Bands of soft rocks like clay and sand are very weak in which they can be eroded very quickly. Since cliff and coastline doesn't erode at the the same pace, an inlet of the sea to where the land curves inward forming a bay. Once soft rocks are eroded inward, the hard rocks are able to stick to the sea to form a headland
Collectivization, policy adopted by the Soviet government, pursued most intensively between 1929 and 1933, to transform traditional agriculture in the Soviet Union and to reduce the economic power of the kulaks (prosperous peasants).
A theory is like a guess. It may be supported by observations, but it is not proven by data. If it were, it would be a scientific law
Yo yo yo
the answer to this would be c
have a nice dya
A soil profile is a vertical section of soil like the diagram above. It allows you to examine the structure of soil while Soil texture (such as loam, sandy loam or clay) refers to the proportion of sand, silt and clay sized particles that make up the mineral fraction of the soil.