The Government Charges A High Tax On Cigarettes And Gasoline Because These Are Things They Know People Will Want To Buy. Gas Is Something Most People Need As An Everyday Essential No Matter How High They Make The Tax Someone Will Pay For It Because Its Something They Need.
Step-by-step explanation:
Consider any one of the values given in the table.
Cost of 5 tickets = $3.75
So, cost of 1 ticket
= $3.75/5
= $0.75
Verify the answer by other values.
Cost of 10 tickets = $7.50
So, cost of 1 ticket
= $7.50/10
= $0.75
Cost of 15 tickets = $11.25
So, cost of 1 ticket
= $11.25/15
= $0.75
Cost of 20 tickets = $15.00
So, cost of 1 ticket
= $15.00/20
= $0.75
The cost of 1 ticket is same in all cases.
Hence, verified.
<span> -k - (-8k) = -k + 8k = 7k</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
I assume you meant 3×10 + 3456/3629 + 2341×123 + 123 ∞×90 and x is multiplication and not a variable.