The speaker commands the instruments to play loudly. He imagines the sound bursting through a "solemn church", scattering the congregation, into the school where the scholar is studying. He imagines the sound disturbing a bride and groom. He commands the instruments to play so loudly that it changes that they disrupt everyone's life.
The author intended to invoke the enviroment of war without speaking about soldiers. He uses onomatopeia and enphasis in certain words so that the speaker, whilst reading the poem, could also imagine the drums playing.
That which is "solemn", "quiet", and "peaceful" is meant to be disturbed, to be changed by the loud instruments playing.
Food heavily affects peoples ability to focus and learn. If our school food is improved, it can help raise our grades.
Has a tragic flaw
Every tragic hero must have a tragic flaw. In classic literature, this was typically their pride. While pride could be a good thing, excessive pride proves to be fatal to their character
Macbeth's tragic flaw was greediness for power. The witches knew his weakness and they used it against him. Power thirst led him to his downfall. He wanted power and was too greedy to acquire it legitimately, rather he was consumed by a fit of greed to have it all and it ruined him
I think it should be c shell