Although the women and slaves helped during the time of war, they were still neglected rights. After the war women went back to being treated the same way. They lacked voting rights, real jobs, they were unable to own land, and still could not divorce. Even though the Northwest Ordinance was established, it did not completely protect slaves in the Northwest. Africans in the North were still sold to slavery in the south, if a slave was caught running away they were sent back to their owner. Some Africans were sold to more labor.
It is good to have because they may be losing in votes but they have to be determined to win and keep trying and pushing to try and win. they can't just give up and let the other person win or they would lose everything that they have just worked for.
Northerners claimed the law was unfair. The flagrant violation of the Fugitive Slave Law set the scene for the tempest that emerged later in the decade. But for now, Americans hoped against hope that the fragile peace would prevail.
That’s nice ?? What’s does that mean??
To fight the war on terror
President Bush's administration spent a lot of money because of the war against terror. The president had increased spending more than 6 of the presidents before his tenure. The president spent almost twice as much as Bill Clinton.
The spendings were so high due to the need to improve security and also because of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Lots of money was spent on the invasion of Iraq. These enormous War costs were part of the reason the country suffered the economic crisis of 2009.