What made the Great Depression "Great" was the government response. Constant changes the regulatory environment, tax increases, massive deficits, and failure to let the market correct paralyzed the economy in its depressed state for 15 years.
Both were caused primarily by an over expansion of credit rooted in loose money supply. The monetary response to the current recession has been different. Rather than tightening to force the market to bottom, the Fed has maintained low rates in an effort to re-inflate the bubble conditions. Hoover/Bush & FDR/Obama responses are similar as all tried to spend their way out of the problem.
1929 crash:
After WWI, Britain reset the pound to the pre-WWI level even though their money supply had far exceeded pre-WWI levels. In an effort to slow the flight of gold from Britain, the US federal reserve (led by Benjamin Strong) lowered interest rates. As always, artificially low interest rates caused massive distortions in asset values. Money flowed into the stock market and people who would not normally have been stockholders bought stocks in place of other investments that would have yielded better interest rates absent fed policy. Margin was used excessively because the real cost of leveraging was distorted by fed interest rate policy.
The fed continually lowered interest rates all the way into 1929. When the bubble popped, they tightened policy and raised rates. This contributed the deflationary spiral; however, the deflationary spiral could not have been as severe without the loose policy during the bubble.
2008 crash:
Beginning in the early 1990s, the federal reserve (led by Alan Greenspan) lowered rates while monitoring consumer prices as indicators of inflation. They ignored bubbles in the stock market directly caused by their inflationary monetary policy. When the stock bubble popped, they lowered rates further and pushed misdirected investment towards other assets - most commonly housing.
After the attacks of 9/11/2001, the fed pushed rates to 0 (long term rates were effectively negative and continue to be).
The correct answer to the question: Many constitutional monarchies started out as, would be: Absolute monarchies.
The big difference between an absolute monarchy and a constitutional monarchy, is the limitations placed on the power exercised by a monarch, or head ruler, of a country. In ancient times, this became the norm, especially in Europe, where the absolute power of kings was unquestioned and unchecked by anyone. However, even if kingdoms all over the world started out as absolute monarchies, with the King or Queen being the only law in the land, this changed through time, until these rulers became bound by another law; that of a constitution. This is the case of England, and other such nations, where government went from being solely in the hands of a ruler, to the ruler´s power being chained by constitutions. Today, many of the monarchies only have Kings and Queens as symbols, but they play no part in government.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was the situation that led to The Bay of Pigs; it the crisis being that Soviets armed Cuba with missiles. The Bay of Pigs was a failed attempt on the US's part to invade (and reclaim) Cuba to stop the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Lets see, the Reformation time period was around the 16th century so the letter would be; formal, old fashioned like spanking, This detail is mainly left out but you could add this to your postcard if you want to but they should be careful of word choice to not to insult someone in any way, so that means no mock politeness
The executive branch regulates trade with foreign nations