While it was true that the cotton gin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need for slaves to grow and pick the cotton. In fact, the opposite occurred. Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor.
Because women back then had very little rights and also couldn’t vote.
He relied on the private business sector to pull the nation oug
Answer for “At least 35 years old
Must be a native born citizen
Lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years” is number 3.
Answer for “At least 30 years old
Live in the state you represent
Been a U.S. Citizen for at least 9 years” is
number 2.
Answer for “ At least 25 years old
Live in the state you represent
Been a U.S. Citizen for at least 7 years” is number 2.