the sun provide energy to move back into atmosphere by evaporation
The correct answer is -
1. group of many islands - archipelago
2. waterway dug across the land - canal
3. a large body of salt water - sea
4. land that connects two larger pieces of land- isthmus
5. land totally surrounded by water - island
An archipelago is a group of many islands or scattered chain of islands in the sea. Malay Archipelago is the largest archipelago with 25000 island group in southeast Asia.
The canal is the waterway dug across the land made by humans artificially for the water channels or waterways.
Sea is a large water body that consists of saline water and organism lives in these.
A narrow strip of land that connects two larger lands that are separated by water or similar things called the isthmus.
Island a smaller land surrounded by the water body.
The correct answer is: [B]: "sludge" .
Answer: people, goods, and ideas
Geographer is the professional whose field of study is the interaction between the various space systems. Systems that can be social: <em>people</em> , economic: <em>goods</em> , political:<em> ideas</em>, geological, biogeographic etc.
Think of it as reflection in a mirror. I hope that makes it easier to remember.