short definition:</h2>
<u><em> a species is a population or groups of populations that can potentially interbreed freely within and among themselves.</em></u>
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<em><u> Subspecies, are subgroups within a species that have different traits </u></em>
long definition</h2>
<em><u>A species is a group of organisms that (in the case of sexually reproducing organisms) can freely interbreed, producing fertile offspring. This definition has its problems, but overall, it encompasses the meaning of the word “species” in biology.</u></em>
<em><u>A subspecies is, as the name implies, a smaller population within a species that share a particular common trait. Usually a sub species is at least partially genetically isolated from it’s parent species, so that interbreeding is less likely to occur. Most often a sub species is physically separated from the rest of the species, and may have some specific physical differences from the rest of the species. However, they are still able to interbreed with members of the parent population.</u></em>
Volcanoes. It is an impressive sight: two sides of land so visibly ripped apart. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge that is to blame runs through the whole of Iceland
D. Hot in the summer and mild in the winter.
Florida has a warmer climate than Montana because it is closer to the equator, therefore, warmer that Montana which is nearer the poles. The farther the south the warmer, and the farther the north the colder. Florida's most important resources is a mild and sunny climate that making a major tourist center and a retirement home for millions of transplanted northerners.
Samoan is a Polynesian language - some other Polynesian languages are Tongan and Rapa Nui.
Micronesian languages are Oceanic languages which means they are also Austronesian languages
The false statement is the following one: C. The Oceanic branch's languages fall into three groups: Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian. For example, there are more than 3 branches of the Oceanic , one of them is the Temotu branch