Well, I am Russian, so you are getting this STRAIGHT from a source:
The two reasons were hunger and lack of medicine;
At that time, Russia's government were mostly dictators, and stole a LOT of food from the people, and a LOT of harvests & crops from the farmers for businesses;
Medicine was EXTREMELY expensive, and of course, the soldiers were treated WORSE than the people..........
So when they called for donations, the citizens BARELY were able to support themselves, so there was almost NOTHING to give to the soldiers!
Now, there were SOME food and medicine saved for soldiers, but it rationed QUITE QUICKLY!
So MANY soldiers were ill really fast, but due to the VERY skillful and useful techniques they learned to fight in the war, they still survived, (of course, there were soldiers who died too, but a MAJORITY of the Russians won).
I hope I helped, and PLEASE choose my answer as the Brainliest!
Thank you! =D
Should Elton's deception be discovered, he could be charged with Insurance Fraud, for breaking the conditions and the terms of the car insurance contract he agreed upon with the company. The fact that he sought opportunity for profit, by reporting falsely, he broke the Principle of Utmost Good Faith, which requires the complete information from the person getting the insurance.
Buddhism’s way must bring u In
Извиняюсь конечно,но развитие чего? Вы не уточняли.
espero que esto ayude,
No soy tan buena en español pero quiero explicar más o menos
Los votantes eligen un tercio de los senadores y cada miembro de la Cámara de Representantes. Las elecciones intermedias ocurren a mitad de camino entre las elecciones presidenciales. ... Las elecciones al Congreso utilizan el voto popular para elegir ganadores. No usan el Colegio Electoral, que se usa en las elecciones presidenciales.
(Además del poder descrito anteriormente, el Congreso comparte poderes con el presidente en asuntos tales como, enmarcar la política exterior de Y el control sobre el ejército. Por ejemplo, mientras el presidente negocia tratados, solo se ponen en vigencia una vez que el Senado los aprueba.)