Captain Nemo is a dynamic character because he develops throughout the book. He begins as a sort of an enemy and during the voyage he becomes a better man and changes his ways.
It means that nobody lives long enough to make every mistake so when someone makes a mistake learn from it so you wont make the same one.
Its kinda self explanatory
The excerpt that best expresses the theme that all living things are a part of, and are guided by, a natural purpose is:
<u>She's only filled with an old blind wish. It isn't even hers but came to her</u>
"The Turtle" is a poem by author Mary Oliver. The speaker in the poem talks of the beauty and effortlessness of turtle laying eggs in the sand. It's a sacred action, which the turtle itself cannot understand since the drive to do it does not come consciously. It is a purely instinctive drive, guided by nature. The speaker admires the turtle's determination and patience in completing the task while remaining unaware of itself as an individual. The turtle sees itself as the world, and the world as itself.
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It's not the best as I threw it together on the spot. I would change a few thing so that way if your teacher checks it for plagiarism it will come back original.