It starts with the main charecter scout finch, his father is atticus finch and his father was also a attorney whos trying/tried to prove innocence to this one black man who has accusations of rape. That's basically a summary your welcome.
World literature usually is the study which explores the different realms of culture and their norms. From these cultures, norms and everday experiencces literature is born and conceived which people write, tell and pass to the next generation. Thus, we discover them by their relativism.
In this world literature, it is about the ancients.
23 year -old- man who lives in florida with his wife jane and just got married and had no children, they are taking a honey moon to florida. once they arrived at florida they decided they needed to go back to florida and fly to Pakistan. instead its was there 25 year old daughters birthday and scene it was the color purple it was to late to go to the park in the afternoon so they arrived shortly to class and went to Jurassic park at the schools pumpkin patch.
As,Not feeling well, he decide to lie down