No gallery was provided, but anyways -
Those extermination camps were in close proximity to railway systems and ghettos (enclosed community of Jews). For the goal to be fulfilled, the Nazis had to put the Jews in these ghettos, so, they could later transport them (via train) to the camps.
The curse was not real per se. It is like faith. You believe in it, and it's real. If you don't then it's not. The ancient Egyptians believed it was real and would protect their loved ones on their journeys. Unfortunately for Lord Canarvon and Howard Carter's team, they didn't realize all of the bad things that could happen to you if you breathe in millenia of stale air. Most died from some type infection, and the curse was reborn. For that reason, when they now open a sacrophagus, they only open it enough to let some air out at a time so it can diffuse with fresh air. So scientifically the curse is not real, but it depends on your beliefs.
If you are wondering how I write so quickly, I adore history.
A serf is an agricultural laborer bound to the land of the nobility they work for (part of feudalism). It has been used throughout many civilizations up until about the 20th century.