A noun is a person, place, or thing
c) wins bets for smiley by appearing to be incapable
In the story the horse's nickname was called the "fifteen-minute nag" which made people underestimate her. She was actually very fast. The dog is described as "he wan's worth a cent, but to set around and look ornery, and lay for a chance to steal something." However, the dog would change as soon as he got in the ring. He'd use his opponents hind legs to get the better of him. Most of Smiley's animals were misleading in their appearances.
Basically the next time Grendel tried attacking Heorot Hall Beowulf was waiting for him and then attacked him then while wrestling with the demon Beowulf ripped his arm off. Grendel was severally injured so he fled into the woods and died. <span />
Putting on the "You Goggles" will help you be a strong giver.
The "You Goggles" help you better understand another person, since you are actively trying to understand things from their point of view.