TTYT stands for "talk to you tomorrow".
When two or more computers are connected it is called Local Area Network (LAN).
(Disclaimer: I am not a professional, so it might not be the most concise answer possible, but I did run the Python script and it works)
user_input = input("What food do you have in your refrigerator? ").lower()
count = 0
while True:
if user_input != 'apples':
count += 1
print(f'You have a {user_input} with a total of {count} food(s)\n')
user_input = input("What food do you have in your refrigerator? ")
False. Integrated circuits have transistors within them, not the other way around
It might be a LAN or Host network. I'm not sure about your question, but your answer might reside in your notes for this class.