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The Continental System led to economic recessions in many port towns such as Marseille, ruined many French industries and created an anti Napoleon feeling, while Napoleon's incessant drive to enforce the System led to the Peninsular War and the invasion of Russia, which perhaps led to Napoleon's downfall
that is in the description of their jobs
Stalin resented the Western Allie's delay in attacking the Germans in Europe and that the United States had tried to keep its development of the atomic bomb a secret.
Stalin always pressed England and the US to open another front during the 1940s as German forces were concentrating to deepen in the Soviet territory.
He believed the Western allies were on purpose to profit from the weakening of the USSR as it fought against Nazi Germany.
The delayed had enabled Nazis to redirect manpower to the Eastern front.
Stalin was annoyed since he believed the US and Britain delayed to open the second front against German troops in the West, and demanded a buffer formed from Baltic nations and Poland after the war.
The development of the atomic bomb was jealously held by the US, as it gave the supremacy on the overall outcome of the war and its unrevealing by alleged "spies" meant that the USSR and the US would start an arms race.
The rivalry in atomic weapons was quickly contested in the 1950s and soon to be followed by the space race.
Took care of the animals and became quite skilled as a seamstress
Answer:Censor which occurs in advance of publication.Meant submitting all proposed publications to government censors who exercised considerable direction regarding the content to be approved for publication