Michelangelo's contribution to the basilica was the greatest of them. He was the only architect who worked on it whose plans were continued without significant changes after his death.
- It took more than a century to build St. Peters Basilica and was designed over time by Donato Bramante, Giuliano da Sangallo, Fra Giocondo, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, Baldassare Peruzzi, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, and Michelangelo.
- Michelangelo's contribution to the basilica was the greatest of them.
- In the Catholic Tradition, the Basilica is believed to have been built upon the burial site of Christ’s Apostle Saint Peter. Pope’s have been interned in the Basilica since the early Christian era and a church has existed on the site since the 4th century. It is one of the four Major Basilicas, all of which are in Rome. It was built between 1506 and 1626.
The radical republicans with open arms invited Johnson but after they realized he was gonna follow in lincolns footsteps they turned on him. They mad it as hard as it could be to pass anything and they were going to have him impeached but he didn't get impeached because of one vote
What they have in common is that both actions require consent of the senate. The senate has to vote with a majority for those things to come into effect Hope this helps!
For access to more resources, spreading ideologies (white man’s burden)
Set Procedures and standards for the military .