THE HOLLYWOOD'S Amazing Disney studios helped the Americans in their war time of 1942 to 45 in making many war training and propaganda movies which attract a lot of supporters towards America in world war 2. they have made films for almost for ever department of American Army.
Interventionalists believed providing aid to Britain would keep the US out of war
The rebellion affirmed the need for a stronger federal government, and eventually led to the creation and ratification of the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights
The colonists disputed the legality of this Act because it seemed to violate the Bill of Rights of 1689. British officers who had fought in the French and Indian War found it hard to persuade colonial assemblies to pay for quartering and provisioning of their troops.
The country had fewer jobs available for immigrants to take.
After the economy suffered heavy losses from World War I, many businesses were closed down from bankruptcy, this led to a shortage of jobs.