The reason lies in the structure of the eye itself. Nocturnal animals tend to have proportionally bigger eyes than humans do. They also tend to have pupils that open more widely in low light. So, at the outset, nocturnal eyes gather more light than human eyes do.
It is boring and has no color
Anne in response to Mieps viewpoint of how peaceful and quiet the Annex was, compared the eight of them in the Annex to a 'patch of blue sky surrounded by menacing black clouds'.
When Mieps who brought essential items needed by people in the Annex, commented on how peaceful and quiet the Annex was, Anne who was already getting frustrated having stayed a year in the Annex lamented that the eight of them in the Annex were like a 'patch of blue sky surrounded by menacing black clouds'. The patch of blue sky represents the freedom they aspired for, while the menacing black clouds represents the impending danger, should they leave the annex.
Anne described the attackers as hovering before them 'like an impenetrable wall trying to crush them but not being able to'. She also compared the Annex to a ring, which she implored to 'open wide, and let them out'.
<span>Plot could be extremely affected by the setting of a story. It could even become a part of the story. The setting is for all that is to come and even if it's one set on a stage, it could convey a lot about who the people are and how they live.
</span><span>"Jaws" is a classic film that used setting almost as a character and that "character" totally influences the plot. A wide ocean, no one around to help and a very, very big and dangerous shark. In the opening scene when the girl is attacked, there is no better example of setting </span>