The eventual fall of the Sui dynasty was also due to the many losses caused by the failed military campaigns against Goguryeo. It was after these defeats and losses that the country was left in ruins and rebels soon took control of the government. Emperor Yang was assassinated in 618.
Hope it helps a little...
The Preamble of the Consitution of the United States is a brief introduction and it aims to explain the motives behind its creation, it can be read as follows:
We, the citizens of the United States, create this Constitution in order to establish the laws for the Union, establish a justice system, ensure stability, defend the Union, and promote general wellbeing and freedom for the current population and for future generations.
The answer to question 4 is
D) Ford improved mass production methods decreased the cost to make the car.
Henry Ford's ultimate goal was to make the Ford automobile one that all Americans can afford. In order to do this, he needed to find a way to reduce the price. The only way to do this without losing profits and laying off workers was to find a cheaper way to produce the same vehicles. The modifications made to his assembly line allowed for the cheaper production of Ford vehicles.
The answer to number 5
is it reached all Americans nationally through news, advertisements, and sports creating a common cultural experience
The radio was one of the first forms of mass communication. This technology allowed for millions of Americans to listen to the same information at the exact same time. This was unprecedented before this time.
The answer to number 6 is
put a total ban on alcohol: the creating, selling, and transporting of it
The 18th amendment resulted in the era in American history known as Prohibition. This amendment would later be overruled by the 21st amendment.
The answer to number 7 is
people from all over the country listened and watched the same styles worn by actors, products used, and activities performed on the different program
The television and radio revolutionized American culture, as it allowed for individuals from all over the country to create a common culture in the US.
The answer to number 8 is
All of these.
I think that they will have a more futuristic touch and if you have seen the movie After Earth something like that